Posted on February 16, 2023
Every programming language has its methods for its data structures. Some of the data structures in Python include list, string, dictionary, and set.
List methods
append() - Append an element to the end of the list.
l=[] l.append(5) print(l) # l=[5]
clear() - Clears the list.
l=[1,2] l.clear() print(l) # l=[]
copy() - Makes a copy of the list.
l=[1,2,3] x=l.copy() print(x) # [1,2,3]
count() - Count the data that has been passed as an argument in the list.
l=[1,2,3] x=l.count(1) print(x) # 1
extend() - This function extends the data of another list.
l=[1,2,3] l1=[4,5,6] l=l.extend(l1) print(l) # [1,2,3,4,5,6]
index() - Returns the index of the passed element.
l = [1,2,3] l=l.index(1) print(l) # 0
insert() - Takes two arguments, one being the position and another being the element. It will insert at the given position.
l=[1,2,3] l.insert(0,0) print(l) #[0,1,2,3]
pop() - Removes the list's last element.
l=[1,2,3] l.pop() print(l) # [1,2]
remove() - Removes the first matched element; the argument has to be passed.
l=[1,2,3] l.remove(2) print(l) # [1,3]
reverse() - Reverse the order of the list.
l= [1,2,3] print(l.reverse()) # [3,2,1]
sort() - Sorts a list.
l=[3,1,2] print(l.sort()) # [1,2,3]
String Methods
capitalize() - Capitalizes the first character.
s="string" k=s.capitalize() print(k) # String
casefold() - Lowers the case of a string.
s = "String" casefold() = k print(k) # string
center() - Centres the string based on the argument.
s="string" print(k) # string
count() - Returns the number of occurrences of the value in the string.
s="string" k=s.count(r) print(k) # 1
endswith() - Returns true if the string ends with the specified value.
s="string" k=s.endswith(g) print(k) # True
find() - Searches the string for a specified value and returns the index of it; if not found, it returns -1.
s="string" k=s.find(r) print(k) # -1
index() - Returns the index of a specified value after searching the string for it.
s="string" k=s.index("r") print(k) # 2
isalnum() - If all characters in the string are alphanumeric, it will return true; otherwise, it will return false.
s="string2" k=s.isalnum() print(k) # True
isalpha() - If all characters in the string are in the alphabet, it will return true; otherwise, it will return false.
s="string" k=s.isalpha() print(k) # True
isascii() - Return true if all characters in the string are ASCII characters.
s="string" k=s.isascii() print(k) # True
isdecimal() - This function returns True if all of the characters in the string are decimals.
s="\u0033" k=s.isdecimal() print(k) # True
isdigit() - If all characters in the string are digits, it will return true; otherwise, it will return false.
s="1234" k=s.isdigit() print(k) # True
islower() - If all characters in the string are lower case, it will return True; otherwise, it will return false.
s="string" k=s.islower() print(k) # True
isnumeric() - If all characters in the string are numeric, it will return true; otherwise, it will return false.
s="1234" k=s.isnumeric() print(k) # True
isprintable() - Returns true if the string contains all printable characters.
s="string n adf" k=s.isprintable() print(k) # False
isspace() - Returns true if the string contains no whitespace; otherwise, it returns false.
s="string" k=s.isspace() print(k) # False
istitle() - If all of the words in the string begin with capital letters, istitle() returns true; otherwise, it returns false.
"String the Word" k=s.istitle() print(k) # True
isupper() - True if all the characters are in upper case; otherwise, it will return false.
s="STRING" k=s.isupper() print(k) # True
join() - Converts the elements of an iterable into a string.
s=["s", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g"] k="".join(s) print(k) # string
ljust() - Returns a left-justified string.
s="string" k=s.ljust(10) print(k) # denotes a string
lower() - Lowers the case of a string.
s="StrInG" k=s.lower() print(k) # string
lstrip() - Removes the leftmost portion of the string.
s=" string" k=s.lstrip() print(k) # string
replace() - Replace the matching values with the passed argument. It takes two arguments.
s="string" k=s.replace("ing","") print(k) # str
rfind() - Searches the string for a given value and returns the last position it was found.
s="stringr" k=s.rfind("r") print(k) # 6
rindex() - Searches the string for a specified value and returns the last position where it was found.
s="stringr" k=s.rindex("r") print(k) # 6
rjust() - Returns a right-justified version of the string.
s="string" k=s.rjust(10) print(k) # character string
rstrip() - Remove the appropriate portion of the string.
s="string " k=s.rstrip() print(k) # string
split() - Splits the string based on the specified separator (the default is a space) and returns a list.
string="string the word" k=s.split() print(k) # ["string", "the", "word"]
splitlines() - splits each line and returns a list of the results.
s="hello world string" k=s.splitlines() print(k) # ['string', 'hello world']
startswith() - This function looks for the letter in the string and returns True if it begins with the specified letter; otherwise, it returns False.
s="string" k=s.startswith("s") print(k) # True
strip() - removes the string's trailing space.
s=" string " k=s.strip() print(k) # string
swapcase() - swaps the cases so that the lower becomes the upper and the upper becomes the lower.
string = "Word" k=s.swapcase() print(k) A wORD IS #STRING
title() - converts all of the word's first letters to uppercase.
string = "word" k=s.title() print(k) String = Word
upper() - changes the string's case to upper case.
s="string" k=s.upper() print(k) # STRING
zfill() - prefix the number of zeros before the string.
s="string" k=s.zfill(7) print(k) # 0string
Object-oriented programming is a programming model that organises software design around data and objects rather than functions and logic. An object can be defined as a data field; it has unique attributes and behaviours.
OOPS structure:
- Classes - It is like a combination of bundling data and functionality together. Each class instance can have attributes attached to it for maintaining its state it can also have methods to change its state.
- Objects - An Object is an instance of a Class, an instance is a copy of the class with actual values. Python is object-oriented programming language it mainly focus on functions.
- Methods - A method is a function that belongs to an particular object. For example, list objects have methods called append, insert, remove and sort etc...
- Attributes - Class attributes are class variables that are inherited by every object of a class. The value of class attributes remain the same for every new object.
- Encapsulation - The binding up of methods and attributes, for example, a class is a combination of attributes and methods.
Abstraction - It's like a hiding of data; it can also help the developers more easily make additional changes over time.
Import ABC from ABC class ClassName(ABC) # We can make the actual class abstract by inheriting the ABC class.
Inheritance - It's a concept of reusing the same code to avoid redundancy. This method will force the developer to reduce development time and also ensure high accuracy. There are multiple inheritances.
polymorphism - The term "polymorphism" refers to the ability to use the same method as the parent class.
add(x, y, z) = 0: x + y + z = return print(add(2, 3)) # 5 print(addition(2, 3, 4)) # 9
Posted on February 16, 2023
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