Building a “Follow Light” with Arduino: Part 2
Stefan Stöhr
Posted on June 10, 2022
It's been a while since we started our Follow Light Arduino Project (and it's still not installed in our corridor 😳), but I recently stumbled over this awesome online simulator called Wokwi!
So I decided to tidy up our codebase a bit and put it into action there.
Wokwi doesn't support the TFmini Plus LiDAR sensor, but it does have the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensor.
And there is a (hidden) Wokwi Neo Pixel Canvas component, which acts like a LED lightstrip. You can only add it by editing the diagram.json
You can find our Follow Light simulation here:
Just run the simulator and click the HC-SR04 component to change the detected distance.
Posted on June 10, 2022
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