How to get a YubiKey credential for shell scripts
Posted on September 29, 2021
Image by Soumil Kumar from Pexels
The tl;dr is:
# read the YubiKey
echo "Press your YubiKey"
read -rs YUBIKEY
What is a YubiKey?
A YubiKey is a device made by Yubico intended as a form of MFA.
Generally, it's a USB device that is used to obtain access to sensitive resources.
Scripting a YubiKey
Yubico provides a cli, ykman, for the YubiKey. The intention of ykman is to allow IT administrators to configure YubiKeys for their organizations.
I thought that it would be cool to have some shell scripts around for common APIs within my organization, but some of these require a credential generated from my YubiKey. My logic was that perhaps ykman could script the YubiKey credential generation for me.
I googled for an hour and only came up with a couple discussions about this. Unfortunately, one of them held some bad news:
I don't think there is a way to programmatically get a YubiOTP from the YubiKey
from discussion on ykman issue 400
The solution
The solution is a quick-and-dirty "silent read" from the terminal:
# read the YubiKey
echo "Press your YubiKey"
read -rs YUBIKEY
echo "Thank you"
I thought I'd post that in case someone else goes searching for it in the future.
Posted on September 29, 2021
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