How to add Passkey Login to Next.js using NextAuth and Hanko
Ashutosh Bhadauriya
Posted on March 4, 2024
When logging in to Apple Store or GitHub, you must have seen a new 'Sign in with Passkey' button. Passkey login is a cool new way to sign in without needing any passwords. It uses Touch ID or Face ID on your device to authenticate, which makes it way more secure and easier to use than old-school passwords and even those two-factor authentication methods we're used to.
Typically, to add passkeys to any app, you'd need two things:
a backend to handle the authentication flow and store data about your user's passkeys
a couple of functions on your frontend to bring up & handle the "Sign in with passkey" dialog
If you're using Next.js, you can easily do both of these things with NextAuth and our accompanying provider @teamhanko/passkeys-next-auth-provider.
Our open-source passkey server is an API you can call from your (Next.js) backend to handle the authentication flow (and storing all relevant data about your user's passkeys).
@teamhanko/passkeys-next-auth-provider is a NextAuth provider that calls this API for you, and lets you bring up the "Sign in with passkey" with a single function call.
@github/webauthn-json is an optional package that makes it easier to work with the WebAuthn API on your frontend.
We have already configured everything and in this tutorial, we'll be just showing how you can add Passkey login. Let’s get to building. You can either follow the video or go through the guide.
In this video we show you how fast and easy it is to add Passkey login to Next.js app using NextAuth thanks to the Hanko Passkeys API
We'll be using NextAuth for authentication and passkey provider for NextAuth by Hanko to add passkey login functionality. After initializing your Next.js and configuring NextAuth you'll need to get the Hanko API key secret and Tenant ID. Navigate over to Hanko Cloud to grab those.
Get the API key and Tenant ID from Hanko
After creating your account on Hanko and setting up the organization, go ahead and select 'Create new project,' and then choose 'Passkey infrastructure' and 'Create project'.
Provide your Project name and URL and click on 'Create project'.
Copy the 'Tenant ID', create an API key, and add it to your .env file.
As we're using Prisma Adapter by NextAuth, we'll need to also to use session: { strategy: "jwt" } and modify the session to get id from token.sub. This is how the complete code for auth.ts the file looks after adding Hanko passkey provider.
Note that, if you don't plan to use any adapters, you just need to add the Passkey provider and don't modify anything.
Allow your users to register passkey as a login method
Your users will have to add passkeys to their account somehow. It’s up to you how and where you let them do this, but typically this would be a button on an “Account Settings” page.
On your backend, you’ll have to call tenant({ ... }).registration.initialize() and .registration.finalize() to create and store a passkey for your user.
On your frontend, you’ll have to call create() from @github/webauthn-json with the object .registration.initialize() returned.
create() will return a PublicKeyCredential object, which you’ll have to pass to .registration.finalize().
Here we have created a new file named passkey.ts, inside of the server directory.