Pleasant Notation for promise pipelining.
- Mark S. Miller @erights, Agoric
- Michael Fig @michaelfig, Agoric
- Chip Morningstar @FUDCo, Evernote
Presented to TC39 (Javascript standards committee), achieving stage 1.
This is a follow on proposal to proposal-eventual-send, providing syntactic sugar for the APIs of that proposal.
The 2011 ECMAScript strawman concurrency proposal also described a simple desugaring of an infix bang (!) operator to support promise pipelining. To avoid conflict with TypeScript, this proposal instead introduces the wavy dot (~.) syntax.
Wavy Dot
Like the (?.) of the optional chaining proposal, wavy dot (~.) is a proposed infix operator with the same precedence as dot (.). Both can be understood as adjective dot, i.e., an operation that is dot-like, but differs according to the adjective. Once the optional chaining proposal is accepted, we will add…