Easily send files, including images and most media types, to pastebin.
Get your developer key from the api pages and save it into the devKey file.
If you want to make private posts do the same but for your user key and save it into the userKey file.
Passing data in from a pipe sets a random name and the contents to STDIN.
cat myImage.jpg | pasteStore.php
Passing data in from a pipe with an arg sets the paste name to the arg and the contents to STDIN.
cat myImage.webm | pasteStore.php thisIsMyCoolPaste
Passing just an arg treats the argument as the path to a file and pulls its contents.
pasteStore.php myImage.mp4
Manually edit the code to change if its uploading as private or if its going to expire.
Better yet, write some argument handling and make a pull request!