20 Useful lines of code that can be used for C# scripting in Unity | pt:1
Rizmy Abdulla 🎖️
Posted on December 10, 2022
Here are 20 useful lines of code for C# scripting in Unity:
- This line of code allows you to access and modify the position of a game object in the scene.
- This line of code allows you to instantiate (create) a new instance of a game object at runtime.
- This line of code allows you to destroy a game object from the scene.
- This line of code allows you to access a component of a specific type (T) attached to a game object.
- This line of code allows you to check if a specific keyboard key (Key) has been pressed down.
6.Random.Range(min, max)
- This line of code generates a random number between the minimum (min) and maximum (max) values specified.
- This line of code returns the time in seconds since the last frame was rendered.
8.Mathf.Clamp(value, min, max)
- This line of code clamps (restricts) a value (value) to be between the minimum (min) and maximum (max) values specified.
9.Vector3.Lerp(a, b, t)
- This line of code performs a linear interpolation (lerp) between two 3D vectors (a and b) by a factor (t).
10.Quaternion.Euler(x, y, z)
- This line of code creates a new quaternion representing a rotation around the x, y, and z axes.
- This line of code allows you to access and modify the velocity of a rigidbody attached to a game object.
- This line of code allows you to enable or disable the trigger behavior of a collider attached to a game object.
- This line of code plays a one-time audio clip (clip) using an AudioSource attached to a game object.
- This line of code allows you to load a new level (name) from the build settings.
and Screen.height
- These lines of code allow you to access the current width and height of the game screen.
- This line of code displays a text label (text) using the GUILayout system.
17.PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key, value)
- This line of code allows you to save an integer value (value) using a key (key) in the PlayerPrefs storage.
18.Physics.Raycast(origin, direction)
- This line of code performs a raycast in the specified direction (direction) from the origin (origin) and returns the first hit.
- This line of code outputs a message (message) to the console for debugging purposes.
20.coroutine = StartCoroutine(method)
- This line of code starts a new coroutine (method) and stores the reference in a variable (coroutine) for later use.
Thanks for reading...
Posted on December 10, 2022
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