Build time aware visualizations of multimodal data
Use the Rerun SDK (available for C++, Python and Rust) to log data like images, tensors, point clouds, and text. Logs are streamed to the Rerun Viewer for live visualization or to file for later use.
A short taste
import rerun as rr # pip install rerun-sdk
rr.connect() # Connect to a remote viewer
# rr.spawn() # Spawn a child process with a viewer and connect
#"recording.rrd") # Stream all logs to disk
# Associate subsequent data with 42 on the “frame” timeline
rr.set_time_sequence("frame", 42))
# Log colored 3D points to the entity at `path/to/points`
rr.log("path/to/points", rr.Points3D(positions, colors=colors