Developing a YouTube Subscription Analysis Application with Python
Posted on August 8, 2023
YouTube has grown into a vast platform where users follow various channels, each representing different topics and interests. Managing these subscriptions and understanding what content you are mostly engaged with can be overwhelming. In this article, we'll walk through the creation of a Python application that analyzes a user's subscriptions and visualizes the distribution of topics.
Step 1: Authenticate with the YouTube API
First, we need to authenticate with the YouTube Data API v3 to access information about a user's subscriptions.
Finally, we visualize the counted topics using Matplotlib.
Plotting the Topics
importmatplotlib.pyplotaspltdefplot_topics(topic_count):topics,counts=zip(*topic_count.items()),counts)plt.xlabel('Topics')plt.ylabel('Counts')plt.title('Distribution of Topics in YouTube Subscriptions')plt.xticks(rotation='vertical')
We've created an application that authenticates with the YouTube API, analyzes subscriptions, and visualizes the distribution of topics. This is an excellent starting point for anyone interested in YouTube data analysis.
You can find the full code in the GitHub repository
YouTube Subscriptions Analyzer is a Python script that authenticates with the YouTube API, fetches a user's subscriptions, and visualizes the distribution of topics in a pie chart.
YouTube Subscriptions Analyzer is a Python script that authenticates with the YouTube API, fetches a user's subscriptions, and visualizes the distribution of topics in a pie chart.