Lottie for Web, Android, iOS, React Native, and Windows
Lottie is a mobile library for Web, and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile!
For the first time, designers can create and ship beautiful animations without an engineer painstakingly recreating it by hand. They say a picture is worth 1,000 words so here are 13,000:
View documentation, FAQ, help, examples, and more at airbnb.io/lottie
Plugin installation
Option 1 (Recommended):
Download it from from aescripts + aeplugins: https://aescripts.com/bodymovin/
Option 2:
Or get it from the adobe store https://exchange.adobe.com/creativecloud.details.12557.html CC 2014 and up.
Other installation options:
Option 3:
- download the ZIP from the repo.
- Extract content and get the .zxp file from '/build/extension'
- Use the ZXP installer from aescripts.com.
Option 4:
Close After Effects
Extract the zipped file on
to the adobe CEP folder:
C:\Program Files