Retro Desktop UI
A retro-looking desktop UI with icons, folders, windows, taskbar and keyboard shortcuts!
Built back in 2012, this retro desktop UI is still something I cherish in terms of how it functions. It is built using vanilla JS (no modern JS frameworks), while utilizing the jQuery library. All components: UXWindow
, UXIcon
, etc. are written in vanilla JS.
The Premise
The Retro Desktop UI mimics a typical desktop interface. The idea is to have mini applications served from within the desktop UI, run via native web views (iframe) or dynamically loaded templates.
The Architecture
Built back in 2012, the architecture is quite simple and basic. However, the API is extensive and extendable to create powerful applications on top of the UI as base.
Each mini application starts with an icon placed on the desktop. The icon, upon clicking, spawns a new window process that loads within…