So I love VueJS. And I love articles about Vue. And I don't want to miss any. I could just keep constantly refreshing the #vue tag on, but instead I decided it would be more convenient to see all new Vue articles in my Twitter feed. So I wrote my a Twitter bot - @TheVueDev.
Basic architecture and flow
The basic flow I decided on was the following
An Azure Function written in Typescript runs every minute,
If new articles are found, they get automatically tweeted!
An Azure Function is Microsoft Azure's "serverless" offering that allows you to run a small piece of code in response to some trigger. There's a generous free tier (1 million free executions per month!) that means this project is very cheap, though not entirely free as the Function requires an Azure Storage account to store some things related to the function. Still, the overall cost for this project is less than US$1/month.
Setting up Twitter
Setting up the Twitter account is relatively straightforward (you just need to be prepared to answer a lot of questions that Twitter understandably asks to try to prevent abuse). After setting up a Twitter account for the bot at, I went to and followed the prompts to apply for a developer account. Finally, I created a new "app", filled in some more details, requested some access tokens, and was presented with a page that looks like this:
That's right, there are four tokens/keys, and we're going to need all of them!
The Function
I followed the quickstart guide in the Azure docs to create an Azure Function in Visual Studio code, selecting "JavaScript" as the language. I then ran tsc --init to add TypeScript, and was ready to start coding!
Running code every minute
For each function you create, you need to specify what will trigger it (find all the options here). In my case I wanted to trigger the function every minute, which could be done with the following code in the function's function.json file:
I want to thank Sarthak Sharma for his amazing Vue CLI - check it out if you haven't already. The code he used to scrape gave me a lot of pointers for this project.
Article No Longer Available
Like Sarthak, I used the x-ray library to help with scraping. Every minute I want to load up and scrape details of the latest VueJS articles. With the help of the Chrome devtools, grabbing things like the article title, author details, and a link to the article is quite straightforward - querying the page uses syntax very similar to CSS.
constxray=Xray()constarticleScrapeData=awaitxray('','#substories .single-article',[{title:'.index-article-link .content h3',author:'h4 a',link:'.index-article-link@href',tags:['.tags .tag'],// need the tags so we can strip them out of the titleauthorLink:'.small-pic-link-wrapper@href'}])
That will return an array of the articles on the page. There's a bit of cleanup of the data I needed to do (here's the code if you're interested). Of course, it makes sense to tweet out the author's Twitter handle if they've provided it, so I scraped that from the Author page.
constsocialLinks:string[]=awaitxray(article.authorLink,['.profile-details .social a@href'])consttwitterLink=socialLinks.find(x=>x.includes(''))if (twitterLink!=null){// twitterLink is in the form{blah}consttwitterURL=newURL(twitterLink)consttwitterHandle='@'+twitterURL.pathname.substring(1)}
For each article, I could then construct the tweet. I decided that tweets would contain the article title, then the author's twitter handle or name, and finally a link to the article (which very nicely formats with a beautiful card).
{ ${article.twitterHandle||article.authorName} }
${}`// Yay for Template Literals!
Now all we need to do is Tweet the articles!
The dilemma
The problem was that the function can't just tweet all the "recent articles" we find each minute, or we'll end up tweeting heaps of duplicates. Compounding the problem is that doesn't seem to provide an easy way to see when an article was published to anything more granular than the nearest day. I came up with three possible solutions:
Only run the function once every 24 hours, and tweet out any articles with yesterday's date. Problem is that if the function fails for some reason we'll miss a day, and if it works followers need to wait up to 24 hours for new articles!
Implement some sort of storage to keep track of the articles that have been tweeted. But this seems like a bit of overkill for a project like this. (You could argue that Typescript is also overkill for a project like this, but I wanted to use it for learning purposes ☺️)
Use the Twitter API to get the latest articles that the account has tweeted, do a comparison with the latest ones found on, and tweet out any that haven't yet been tweeted.
Option 3 seemed the most straightforward. Scraping only returns the last 8 articles, while the Twitter API returns the last 200 tweets from the account, so the function should always be able to accurately determine whether an article has been tweeted.
Using the Twitter API
Omar Sinan's article on building a Twitter bot was very helpful - check it out!
Article No Longer Available
Like Omar, I used the Twit library to help with tweeting. Connecting it to @TheVueDev was as simple as pasting in the four keys and tokens from the Twitter app page (as environment variables of course!).
Then we just tweet out our articles if they haven't yet been tweeted!
// Get recent tweetsconstres=awaitthis.t.get('statuses/user_timeline',{screen_name:'TheVueDev'})constrecentTweets=<any[]> Determine if article has been tweeted yet// Need to look at entities.urls.expanded_url because Twitter // automatically shortens the URL in the tweet itself.if (recentTweets.find(x=>x.entities.urls.find((u:any)=>u.expanded_url===articleLink))==null){// Article hasn't yet been tweeted - tweet it!'statuses/update',{status:tweetContent})}
(Find the more efficient version of this code here.)
Deploying the function to Azure can be done right from within Visual Studio code with a few button clicks using the Azure Functions extension. Neat!
And with that, I have a functioning Twitter bot, and can now easily know about all the new VueJS articles as they appear on!
This same code can be used to create a Twitter bot that tweets new articles from any valid tag.
Follow these instructions to create your own Twitter bot that tweets articles for the tag of your choice. It will probably cost you a few cents a month in Azure Storage fees.
Setup Twitter account
Go to and make a Twitter account for your bot.
While signed into your bot's Twitter account, go to, click "Apply", and then follow the prompts to apply for a developer account.
When asked to "Select a user profile to associate", ensure your bot's account is selected.
Fill in the requested information about what your developer account will be used for, accept the terms and…