Pulumi EKS with ALB + RDS
Welcoming Sloth
Posted on June 3, 2022
I recently needed to set-up aws infrastructure for my startup.
Unfortunately, google lacked good up-to-date resources for what I was trying to do.
It took a lot of mistakes, hair pulling, and a considerable AWS bill to end up here, which is why I will share my findings with you, so that you don't have to repeat all those same mistakes.
Now, this is the app that we're going to deploy:
- Microservices
- Users Service
- GraphQL Service (entry point which accepts HTTP calls, will route queries to the appropriate service)
- RDS PostgreSQL Instance
- Kubernetes Ingress + AWS Load Balancer Controller
This is purely an API setup, but you could quite easily add frontend to this setup if you wish.
We will also add OIDC access control for our cluster, so that the pods could use other AWS services such as S3 & SQS.
Create a VPC & tag the subnets.
First thing's first, we need to create a VPC and tag the subnets.
We will be tagging our subnet groups, so that the alb controller will be able to use them. You can read more about it here.
const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc('friendly-sloth-vpc', {
numberOfNatGateways: 0, // We won't be needing NAT gateways.
// Creation args for subnets
subnets: [
type: 'public',
tags: {
'kubernetes.io/role/elb': '1',
type: 'private',
tags: {
'kubernetes.io/role/internal-elb': '1',
Create a security group
Next, let's create a security group for our cluster.
We will be allowing all inbound & outbound traffic (which is why fromPort
& toPort
are -1
You can of course change this to be more strict, just remember to let the HTTP (80 & 443) & DB (5432 for default PGSQL) calls through.
const clusterSecurityGroup = new aws.ec2.SecurityGroup('clustersecgrp', {
vpcId: vpc.id,
ingress: [{
protocol: 'all',
fromPort: -1,
toPort: -1,
cidrBlocks: [''],
egress: [{
protocol: 'all',
fromPort: -1,
toPort: -1,
cidrBlocks: [''],
Create RDS instance
Next, let's create our RDS instance.
We will need to create a subnet group for it.
I will be creating it on the private subnets (because I am very secure).
You can also make it use the public subnets to be able to access it from outside the VPC. Just remember to set the database then to publiclyAccessible: true
as well (please don't do this for prod).
const dbSubnetGroup = new aws.rds.SubnetGroup('dbsubnet-group', {
subnetIds: vpc.privateSubnetIds,
const rds = new aws.rds.Instance('friendly-sloth-db', {
instanceClass: 'db.t2.micro',
engine: 'postgres',
engineVersion: '14.2',
dbName: 'sloths-db',
username: 'sloth',
password: 'verysecuresloth',
allocatedStorage: 20,
deletionProtection: true,
dbSubnetGroupName: dbSubnetGroup.id, // assign it to subnet
vpcSecurityGroupIds: [clusterSecurityGroup.id], // add it to cluster's security group
Create the cluster + service account
Lets create the cluster
Remember to set createOidcProvider: true
so that we can give the cluster permission to use other AWS services.
const cluster = new eks.Cluster('sloth-cluster', {
vpcId: vpc.id,
publicSubnetIds: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
clusterSecurityGroup: clusterSecurityGroup,
createOidcProvider: true,
const clusterOidcProvider = cluster.core.oidcProvider;
Next, lets create a kubernetes namespace
const namespace = new k8s.core.v1.Namespace(
{ metadata: { name: 'sloth-kubes' } },
{ provider: cluster.provider },
Now, permission time! (service account)
const saName = 'sloth-service-account';
const saAssumeRolePolicy = pulumi
.all([clusterOidcProvider?.url, clusterOidcProvider?.arn, namespace.metadata.name])
.apply(([url, arn, namespace]) => (
statements: [
actions: ['sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity'],
conditions: [
test: 'StringEquals',
variable: `${url.replace('https://', '')}:sub`,
values: [`system:serviceaccount:${namespace}:${saName}`],
test: 'StringEquals',
variable: `${url.replace('https://', '')}:aud`,
values: ['sts.amazonaws.com']
effect: 'Allow',
principals: [{ identifiers: [arn], type: 'Federated' }],
const saRole = new aws.iam.Role(saName, {
assumeRolePolicy: saAssumeRolePolicy.json,
const saPolicy = new aws.iam.Policy('policy', {
description: 'Allow EKS access to resources',
policy: JSON.stringify({
Version: '2012-10-17',
Statement: [{
Action: [
// Configure which services the SA should have access to.
// Make it more strict / loose however you see fit.
Effect: 'Allow',
Resource: '*',
// Attach the policy to the role
new aws.iam.RolePolicyAttachment(saName, {
policyArn: saPolicy.arn,
role: saRole,
// Create the kubernetes service account itself
const serviceAccount = new k8s.core.v1.ServiceAccount(
metadata: {
namespace: namespace.metadata.name,
name: saName,
annotations: {
'eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn': saRole.arn,
{ provider: cluster.provider }
Create ingress controller
Now for the fun bit — let's create AWS ALB ingress controller.
We will make pulumi use a helm chart from the official aws alb repository.
First, however, more policies!
You can get the iam policy from the alb repository
curl -o iam-policy.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-load-balancer-controller/main/docs/install/iam_policy.json
I created a separate util called createIngressControllerPolicy
which looks like this
export const createIngressControllerPolicy = () => (
new aws.iam.Policy(
policy: {
// The JSON you got from above.
Now, we can attach it to the same service account role
const ingressControllerPolicy = createIngressControllerPolicy();
new aws.iam.RolePolicyAttachment(`${saName}-ingress-ctrl`, {
policyArn: ingressControllerPolicy.arn,
role: saRole,
Now that we're done with policies, let's create an ingress class which will connect the controller with the ingress.
const albIngressClass = new k8s.networking.v1.IngressClass('alb-ingress-class', {
metadata: {
name: 'sloth-alb',
spec: {
controller: 'ingress.k8s.aws/alb',
}, { provider: cluster.provider });
Now, the promised controller!
We will create the controller from a helm chart. We will programmatically create it from the repository using Pulumi.
// Important! Use k8s.helm.v3.Release instead of k8s.helm.v3.Chart.
// Otherwise, you will run into all sorts of issues.
const alb = new k8s.helm.v3.Release(
namespace: namespace.metadata.name,
repositoryOpts: {
repo: 'https://aws.github.io/eks-charts',
chart: 'aws-load-balancer-controller',
version: '1.4.2',
values: {
// @doc https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-load-balancer-controller/tree/main/helm/aws-load-balancer-controller#configuration
vpcId: vpc.id,
region: 'eu-central-1', // Change to the region of the VPC. Since EU is the best region, we're going with that.
clusterName: cluster.eksCluster.name,
ingressClass: albIngressClass.metadata.name,
// Important! Disable ingress class annotations as they are deprecated.
// We're using a proper ingress class, so we don't need this.
// @see https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/aws-load-balancer-controller/v2.4/guide/ingress/ingress_class/
disableIngressClassAnnotation: true,
createIngressClassResource: false, // Don't need it, since we already made one.
serviceAccount: {
name: serviceAccount.metadata.name,
create: false, // Don't need it, since we already made one.
{ provider: cluster.provider }
Kubernetes services
Now, lets set up kubernetes deployments & services for our Users
& GraphQL
Since both are fairly similar, we will create a utility for it.
type KubeServiceOpts = {
image: docker.Image,
serviceType?: ServiceSpecType;
export const createKubeService = (name: string, opts: KubeServiceOpts): {
deployment: k8s.apps.v1.Deployment,
service: k8s.core.v1.Service,
} => {
const { image, serviceType } = opts;
const appLabels = { app: name };
const defaultPort = 4200;
const deployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment(`${name}-dep`, {
metadata: {
namespace: namespace.metadata.name,
labels: appLabels,
spec: {
replicas: 1,
selector: { matchLabels: appLabels },
template: {
metadata: { labels: appLabels },
spec: {
serviceAccountName: serviceAccount.metadata.name,
containers: [{
image: image.imageName,
ports: [{
name: `${name}-port`,
containerPort: defaultPort,
env: [
{ name: 'AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', value: 'eu-central-1' }, // Again, best region there is.
}, { provider: cluster.provider });
const service = new k8s.core.v1.Service(`${name}-svc`, {
metadata: {
namespace: namespace.metadata.name,
labels: appLabels,
spec: {
...(serviceType && { type: serviceType }),
selector: appLabels,
ports: [
name: `${name}-http`,
port: 80,
targetPort: defaultPort,
name: `${name}-https`,
port: 443,
targetPort: defaultPort,
}, { provider: cluster.provider });
return { deployment, service };
Now, lets use it
createKubeService('graphql', {
serviceType: 'NodePort', // ALB needs the service which will be receiving the traffic to be of type `NodePort`.
image: myGraphqlServiceImage,
createKubeService('users', {
image: myUsersServiceImage,
Finally, the ingress itself!
Now, for the final part, lets create the ingress itself!
Now that we have our ingress controller & services, we can go ahead and create the ingress itself.
We will be using only HTTP in this example, to use HTTPS you will need a certificate which you can specify with the annotation alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/certificate-arn
. Then, specify the https ports for the paths.
const apiIngress = new k8s.networking.v1.Ingress('api-ingress', {
metadata: {
name: 'api-ingress',
namespace: namespace.metadata.name,
labels: {
app: 'api',
annotations: {
// @doc https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/aws-load-balancer-controller/v2.4/guide/ingress/annotations/#annotations
'alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type': 'ip',
'alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme': 'internet-facing',
'alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol': 'HTTP',
spec: {
// Important! Connect it to our Ingress Class.
ingressClassName: albIngressClass.metadata.name,
rules: [
http: {
paths: [
pathType: 'Prefix',
path: '/graphql',
backend: {
service: {
name: 'graphql',
port: {
name: 'graphql-http', // We named our service ports in `createKubeService` function.
}, { provider: cluster.provider, });
That's it!
Now we can export the url for our load balancer to see it in the console when we deploy.
export const url = apiIngress.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname
Posted on June 3, 2022
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