👋 Hi, I'm Ananto
LinkedIn | Codersrank | Dev.to | Medium | Portfolio
🚀 Projects
- Zero: A high performance and fast Python framework (RPC + PubSub) to build microservices. (WIP)
- Ask Hadith: Hadith search engine. askhadith.com
- Golpo: Social network. golpo.vercel.app (Need contributors 🙌)
- KV Store: Redis based Config or Settings key-value store with UI and code generation.
- Bazar: Online shop built with svelte. gg13.netlify.app (WIP)
- Gmocker: Create a blazing fast mock server with just a JSON file! (Go)
- Storypoint: Realtime story pointing (or T-shirt sizing) app. storypoint.onrender.com
- News13: Minimalistic uncluttered latest news (of Bangladesh). news13.netlify.app
- Cap-em: Resource limit tracker.
- Loggable: A logging annotation library for reactive java.