How to Build Microservices with Fauna, Python/Flask and Deploy to Vercel.
Posted on October 28, 2020
Microservices, this term is mostly used as a reference to the microservices architecture which is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely-coupled services.
Each of these services is responsible for a discrete task and can communicate with other services through simple APIs to solve a larger complex business problem.
One big advantage of using this approach is that the constituent services can be developed, deployed and maintained independent of each other. Therefore you are able to easily and gradually grow your application.
For microservices, Fauna has a number of great features that are well suited for this architecture e.g. multi-tenancy which enables developers to create child databases inside the main database that are isolated from each other. This way you can keep data for each service or microservice separately and securely from the others.
In addition to the features above, Fauna also provides us with a powerful and fully-managed database. This way we don’t need to worry about database correctness, sharding, provisioning, latency, or scaling our database. This is why it’s many times referred to as the truly serverless database.
By including Fauna and Vercel in our application stack, we are able to have a fully managed serverless stack. We can make changes to the application and simply do a git push. Vercel will take care of computing resource provisioning while Fauna will provide us with a fully managed database.
This is a tremendous boost to developer productivity as we are able to focus only on what makes our app unique without wasting a lot of time doing the provisioning and maintenance tasks ourselves.
In this tutorial, we will be creating two microservices for a classic e-commerce backend to enable the following in our application.
- Product Catalog Management.
- Product Reviews Management.
These microservices will allow us to create a new product entry, edit / update an existing product’s details, delete a product entry, create a product review, edit/update an existing product review, and delete a product review.
We will take advantage of the Flask Web Framework which is a very powerful Python micro framework to expose our microservices as a web API. Compared to other frameworks such as Django, Flask is lightweight and allows you a lot of flexibility while developing web applications.
To hold all our application’s data, we will first need to create a database. Fortunately, this is just a single command or line of code, as shown below. Don’t forget to create a Fauna account before continuing!
Fauna Shell
Fauna's API has many interfaces/clients, such as drivers in JS, GO, Java and more, a cloud console, local and cloud shells, and even a VS Code extension! For this article, we’ll start with the local Fauna Shell, which is almost 100% interchangeable with the other interfaces.
npm install -g fauna-shell
After installing the Fauna Shell with npm, log in with your Fauna credentials:
$ fauna cloud-login
Password: **********
Now we are able to create our database.
fauna create-database e-commerce
Now that we have our database created, it's time to create our collections.
In Fauna, a database is made up of one or more collections. The data you create is represented as documents and saved in a collection. A collection is like an SQL table.
Or rather, a collection, is a collection of documents.
A fair comparison with a traditional SQL database would be as below.
For our two microservices, we will create two collections in our database. Namely.
- products collection.
- reviews collection.
To start an interactive shell for querying our new database, we need to run:
fauna shell e-commerce
We can now operate our database from this shell.
$ fauna shell e-commerce
Starting shell for database my_app
Connected to
Type Ctrl+D or .exit to exit the shell
To create our products collection, run the following command in the shell to create the collection with the default configuration.
e-commerce> CreateCollection({ name: "products" })
Next, let’s do the same for the reviews collections.
e-commerce> CreateCollection({ name: "reviews" })
Fauna highly recommends indexing your data for the purposes of searching, sorting and combining results from multiple collections (typically called “joins”).
In the context of our application, “search” indexes will allow us to get all reviews for a particular product or all products under a specific category. Search results are based on an index’s “terms” attribute, where we specify the array path to a document’s field, which must match a search argument to be included in a set of results.
We will create the following indexes.
- products_by_category - To allow us to retrieve products by their category
- reviews_by_product - To allow us to retrieve a review based on its product.
To create the products_by_category index, run the following command in a fauna shell for our database.
name: "products_by_category",
source: Collection("products"),
terms: [
field: ["data", "categories"]
Next, do the same for the reviews_by_product index.
name: "reviews_by_product",
source: Collection("reviews"),
terms: [
field: ["data", "product"]
While using Fauna, it is generally ideal to write your read queries to go through your indexes, especially for performance purposes.
To quickly bootstrap our application and its structure we will take advantage of this Flask Template for Fauna.
Clone the Github repository containing the template using the snippet below.
git clone ecommerce-tutorial
Once this is done, cd
into the directory and install all required dependencies.
cd e-commerce-tutorial
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This will install flask and faunadb-python, along with any other required dependencies.
In order for our application to send and receive data to Fauna we will need to create a key and provide its secret when performing queries.
For this application, a key with a Server Role is sufficient to create, read and delete data.
Head over to your database’s Fauna Shell and create a key using the following command.
name: "flask-app",
role: "server"
# Example result.
# NOTE: Make sure you copy and store the secret!
# {
# ref: Ref(Keys(), "280185139463529993"),
# ts: 1603464278974000,
# role: 'server',
# secret: 'fnAD62i0bTBCDRjYjkcttAsY3wVyfsvynwUSqxYG',
# hashed_secret: ...
# }
This next step is critical. Copy the secret generated and set it on your project environment by running the command below. Note that secrets are only shown once after creating keys; you’ll have to create a new key if you lose the original secret.
export FAUNA_SECRET=the-fauna-secret-you-copied
The cloned repository has the directory structure shown below.
The only bit we are going to focus on is the app folder. This folder contains the following files and folders.
Using Fauna’s native API, The Fauna Query Language (FQL), we can satisfy all of our CRUD needs when resolving the various REST paths of our microservices.
Given FQL’s functional programming design, queries ranging from the simplest CRUD to complex transactions involving precise data manipulation and retrieval, are easily achievable. Note that FQL and query executions are transactional, meaning no changes are committed if an error occurs or conditions aren’t met; this behavior is particular useful for critical business logic, eg. avoiding over-ordering of limited inventory.
This template takes advantage of Flask blueprints which allow us to make our applications as modular as possible. This will help us in separating our microservices and their views into individual and independent components of the entire application.
For our two services, we will create two files in the app/services folder.
- app/services/ - for the Product Catalog Microservice.
- app/services/ - for Product Reviews Microservice.
Eventually, we will have the following endpoints.
Products Microservice.
As described above, this microservice will be responsible for creating , reading , updating and deleting products for our application.
Add the following code to the products microservices file.
from flask import (
Blueprint, render_template, jsonify, request
from app.db import client
# Fauna Imports
from faunadb import query as q
from faunadb import errors
from faunadb.objects import Ref
bp = Blueprint('products', __name__, url_prefix='/products')
@bp.route("", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def products():
if request.method == "GET":
category = request.args.get("category") or None
if category:
# Executes the provided FQL expression.
data = client.query(
# Maps over an array or FQL page and calls an expression/lambda on each item.
# In this case, we are calling q.get on each item returned from the 2nd parameter’s q.paginate.
# q.get takes a document’s Ref and retrieves the entire document.
# Refs are similar to primary/foreign keys and serve as unique pointers to documents.
lambda x: q.get(x),
# q.index returns the Ref for an index. Note that all entities in FaunaDB are documents and have Refs.
# q.match takes the ref of an index, along with search parameters, and returns something called a SetRef.
# Finally, q.paginate takes a SetRef and returns a page with iterable data.
q.index("products_by_category"), category)))
response = [i["data"] for i in data["data"]]
for i in range(0, len(response)):response[i]['id'] = str(data["data"][i]["ref"].id())
return jsonify(data=response)
data = client.query(
lambda x: q.get(x), q.paginate(q.documents(q.collection("products")))
# We use q.documents to return all document refs in a collection
response = [i["data"] for i in data["data"]]
for i in range(0, len(response)):response[i]['id'] = str(data["data"][i]["ref"].id())
return jsonify(data=response)
elif request.method == "POST":
request_data = request.get_json()
response = client.query(
q.create(q.collection("products"), {"data": request_data})
# FQL: q.create(collection, data_to_create) - Used to create a new document in a collection
return jsonify(id=response["ref"].id())
@bp.route("/<id>", methods=["GET", "PUT", "DELETE"])
def product(id):
if request.method == "GET":
response = client.query(q.get(q.ref(q.collection("products"), id)))
return jsonify(data=response["data"])
except errors.NotFound:
return jsonify(data=None)
elif request.method == "PUT":
# FQL: update a products document
response = client.query(
q.ref(q.collection("products"), id), {"data":request.get_json()}
# FQL: we use q.update(doc_ref, data) to update an existing document in a collection
except Exception as e:
return jsonify(error=str(e))
elif request.method == "DELETE":
# FQL: delete a product document matching the specified product Ref.
response = client.query(q.delete(q.ref(q.collection("products"), id)))
return response
except Exception as e:
return jsonify(error=str(e))
Reviews Microservice.
As described above, this microservice will be responsible for creating, reading, updating and deleting reviews for our application.
Add the following code to the reviews microservices file.
from flask import (
Blueprint, render_template, jsonify, request
from app.db import client
# Fauna Imports
from faunadb import query as q
from faunadb import errors
from faunadb.objects import Ref
bp = Blueprint('reviews', __name__, url_prefix='/reviews')
@bp.route("", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def reviews():
if request.method == "GET":
product = request.args.get('product')
if product:
# FQL: Query the reviews_by_product index for products matching the category using the match function.
data = client.query(
lambda x: q.get(x), q.paginate(q.match(
q.index("reviews_by_product"), product)))
response = [i["data"] for i in data["data"]]
for i in range(0, len(response)):response[i]['id'] = str(data["data"][i]["ref"].id())
return jsonify(data=response)
data = client.query(
q.map_(lambda x: q.get(x), q.paginate(q.documents(q.collection("reviews"))))
response = [i["data"] for i in data["data"]]
for i in range(0, len(response)):response[i]['id'] = str(data["data"][i]["ref"].id())
return jsonify(data=response)
elif request.method == "POST":
request_data = request.get_json()
response = client.query(
q.create(q.collection("reviews"), {"data": request_data})
return jsonify(id=response["ref"].id())
@bp.route("/<id>", methods=["GET", "PUT", "DELETE"])
def review(id):
if request.method == "GET":
# Retrieve a reviews document that matched a specified id.
response = client.query(q.get(q.ref(q.collection("reviews"), id)))
return jsonify(data=response["data"])
except errors.NotFound:
return jsonify(data=None)
elif request.method == "PUT":
# FQL: update a reviews document that match the id specified
response = client.query(
q.ref(q.collection("reviews"), id), {"data":response.get_json()}
except Exception as e:
return jsonify(error=str(e))
elif request.method == "DELETE":
# FQL: delete a reviews document that match the id specified
response = client.query(q.delete(q.ref(q.collection("reviews"), id)))
return response
except Exception as e:
return jsonify(error=str(e))
Register Services.
Our application has it’s microservices written as blueprints. In Flask, we will need to register each of these blueprints to make them available to our application.
To do this, add the following code to the ./app/ file
import os
from flask import Flask
def create_app():
app = Flask( __name__, instance_relative_config=True,)
app.config.from_mapping( SECRET_KEY=os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY') or 'you-never-guess',)
from import index, products, reviews
return app
app = create_app()
To run our application in testing and debug mode run the following in the application directory.
Since our microservices exist as REST API endpoints that are decomposed by paths and routes, if you’re interested, you can make use of Postman to test how well they work. Here’s a Postman Collection you can use to test the various routes.
The following Github repo has sample data you can use to test each of the endpoints.
Vercel allows for configuration files to describe how we’d like our microservices deployed.
The template we used comes with one by default so you will not need to do so; below is what it looks like.
"version": 2,
"builds": [
"src": "./",
"use": "@vercel/python"
"routes": [
"src": "/(.*)",
"dest": "/"
To deploy our app to Vercel, we first need to install the Vercel CLI by running the following command.
npm i -g vercel
Ensure you have a Vercel account, or head over to to create one.
Once registered, run the following command to login to the CLI with your account.
vercel login
Follow the prompts to confirm your email.
Once you successfully login, run the following command to setup and deploy the app to Vercel.
You will receive a similar prompt screen.
Since Vercel still doesn’t know your FAUNA SECRET KEY, you will get an error while using the app. To rectify this, add the secret key to your Vercel environment as follows.
vercel env add
Follow the prompts as shown below.
Add the key for the production environment and if you wish, the dev environment.
Now redeploy your app using
vercel --prod
And now your application should be live.
You can preview your app by visiting the link provided by Vercel.
From the tutorial, we can see how easy it is to get started with Fauna for our microservices. Fauna is indeed a powerful database; through FQL we have a flexible query language to support a myriad of queries and data models. It also comes with great features suited for microservices, like multi-tenancy and granular permissions.
Combined together with Vercel, we can have a truly serverless and fully managed microservice architecture. This is a great boost to productivity as we can focus on implementing features that make our application and UX unique, instead of getting hung up on the DevOps of old-school servers and databases.
I hope you find Fauna to be exciting, like I do, and that you enjoyed this article. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @theAmolo if you enjoyed my perspective!
All code written for this tutorial can be found in the following Github Repo
Posted on October 28, 2020
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